

As part of its mission to promote science literacy among New Jersey’s citizens, the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium generates a wide range of products geared to inform and educate anyone with a stake in the ecological and economic health of the coast. From supporting the publication of journal articles aimed at the scientific research community to producing resource guides for K-12 science teachers, the NJSGC fulfills its role by keeping coastal stakeholders updated about issues relevant to the marine and coastal environment.


The Consortium’s quarterly newsletter is distributed in Spring, Summer, Fall and winter. As of Fall 2015, the COASTodian is all digital.

Annual State of the Shore Reports

Printed every May, this report provides an overview of the condition of the state’s beaches for the coming summer tourism season.

Annual Report

The Annual Report provides an overview of the NJSGC’s activities during each fiscal year.



Projects and Progress: The Research Program at NJSGC

Since 1976 the NJSGC has managed the Sea Grant program in New Jersey. The Sea Grant program supports stakeholder-driven research, extension, communications and education in direct service to New Jersey’s coastal environment and its citizens. Every two years, the NJSGC awards approximately four research grants using a rigorous and competitive, peer-reviewed process. Guided by relevant criteria determined through a collaborative strategic planning process that receives input from stakeholders, NJSGC’s advisory boards and partners and the public, NJSGC’s research reflects local concerns and provides solutions to New Jersey’s most pressing marine and coastal issues including water quality, shoreline restoration, dune protection, and other erosion concerns, recreational and commercial fisheries management, and coastal hazard mitigation. This biennial publication describes research activities funded through the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium.

Strategic Plan