The NOAA Office for Coastal Management is accepting applications for the Digital Coast Fellowship. Three fellowship opportunities will be available in 2016. This two-year opportunity starts in August 2016, and offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement.
This program’s mission, modeled after the Coastal Management fellowship, is to provide on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students and to provide project assistance to Digital Coast Partnership organizations.
You can now register for two Boy Scout Individual Enrollment classes: Oceanography and Environmental Science. We offer these classes once in the fall and once in the spring. It is for individual scouts (not whole troops) who wish to study Oceanography or Environmental Science.
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium’s Dr. Michael Schwebel will present at the coastal resiliency symposium “Strengthening the Jersey Shore” on March 29. The symposium is co-organized by the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council and Mott MacDonald. It will be hosted by New Jersey Natural Gas at their headquarters in Wall, N.J.
Schwebel is the Community Resilience and Climate Adaptation Specialist for the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium and Monmouth University’s Urban Coast Institute. At the symposium, he will discuss his work helping shore area towns become better prepared for major coastal storms, sea level rise and other impacts of climate change. The workshop will also include another member of the NJSGC staff, Dr. Amy Williams. Williams is a post-doctoral associate at Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Williams will contribute to a panel discussion entitled “How does Winter Storm Jonas serve as a reminder to increase coastal resiliency?”
Additional presentations will cover topics including the COP21 climate change summit, adaptation initiatives in the U.S., sea level rise in New Jersey, and preparing for economic and infrastructure disruptions.
The symposium will be held from 8 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. at New Jersey Natural Gas, 1415 Wyckoff Road. Find additional details and registration information here.
Originally appeared in Rutgers Today, Monday, February 22, 2016
By Todd B. Bates
Global sea level rose faster in the 20th century than in any of the 27 previous centuries, according to a Rutgers University-led study published today. Moreover, without global warming, global sea level would have risen by less than half the observed 20th century increase and might even have fallen. Instead, global sea level rose by about 14 centimeters, or 5.5 inches, from 1900 to 2000. That’s a substantial increase, especially for vulnerable, low-lying coastal areas.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Group, the U.K. National Environmental Research Council, the Royal Society, and Harvard University. Read More …
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Dr. Michael Schwebel will serve among a select group of expert panelists in “The Shore’s Future: Living with Storms and Sea Level Rise,” a two-day conference sponsored by the Institute on Science for Global Policy from Nov. 20-21 in Toms River.
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium and North Atlantic Regional Team, or NART, will host an ocean and coastal acidification workshop August 11 for stakeholders in the Garden State.
This event is hosted by Stockton University, and is supported by NOAA James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, Rutgers’ Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory and Aquaculture Innovation Center, and Delaware Sea Grant.
Who: Peter Rowe of the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, which is sponsoring the event; Wei Jun Cai of the University of Delaware; Beth Phelan of the National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab, NJ; Judy Weis of Rutgers University; Daniel Cohen and Peter Hughes of Atlantic Capes Fisheries; Interim Dean Peter Straub of Stockton University’s School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
What: Ocean and Coastal Acidification Workshop – an opportunity to hear more about ongoing research into the impact of ocean acidification, which has hit West Coast fisheries hard and could become a threat to New Jersey’s industry.
Shellfish harvesting in New Jersey has grown from $98.65 million in 2003 to $159 million in 2012, according to NOAA figures. Commercial fishing in general employed more than 50,000 people in 2012, and was worth $2.87 billion across all sectors.
Oceans become more acidic as the water absorbs more and more carbon dioxide, which strips the oceans of carbonate, a key shell-building nutrient.
“Research on ocean acidification and shellfish is just beginning here in New Jersey, and there are no indications of a serious problem at this time,” said Lisa Calvo, the New Jersey Sea Grant aquaculture specialist. “The question of how OA affects these industries is something that the workshop is meant to address,” along with environmental impacts.
When: Tuesday, Aug. 11 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Detailed agenda attached.
Where: The Board of Trustees Conference Room, Campus Center, Stockton University, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, N.J.
Multimedia: The event will have photography and video opportunities.
Media Access: For information, wi-fi accounts or other help on the day of the event, please call Maryjane Briant at 609-652-4593 or 609-335-3859.
The purpose of this workshop is for stakeholders — fishing, aquaculture, water quality and marine resources management and other non-governmental organization officials — to become better informed about ocean acidification. Scientists and officials want to learn from the stakeholders so they can develop an implementation plan for addressing ocean and coastal acidification in the Northeast.
Get 20 facts about ocean acidification, click here.
The day will include an overview presentation on the state of the science of ocean and coastal acidification, presentations from local industry representatives, and breakout sessions to hear more about changes you are seeing on the water, and on what issues and problems scientists and officials should focus their attention in the near future.
The workshop is free, but space is limited to the first 50 people who register. To register, please fill out the below. Read More …
ASBURY PARK — The New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium issued Thursday its annual State of the Shore report
The cold and snow of the past winter had little impact on the state’s beaches. Thanks to realtively few coastal storms, typical waves and minor flooding, the beaches and dunes were not punished by eroision.
Two years of mild winters has lead to most of the more than 14 million cubic yards of sand washed away by Superstorm Sandy to be replaced by natural processes. The natural replacement of sand has been bolstered by Army Corps of Engineers beach renourishment projects.
Commissioner Bob Martin, of the state Department of Environmental Protection, which is a NJSGC-member organization, spoke about the state’s efforts in conjunction with the federal government to rebuild Sandy-damaged beaches throughout the state, the water quality at those beaches and the low number of days in which beaches needed to be closed last summer.
Click here to read an NJDEP statement about commissioner Martin’s remarks.
Who: NJDEP Commissioner Bob Martin; Dr. Jon Miller, NJSGC coastal process specialist; Dr. Stewart Farrell of Stockton University’s Coastal Research Center.
About: The State of the Shore is an annual report examining erosion and other impacts to the Jersey Shore. Particular attention this year will be given to the amount of erosion incurred by Superstorm Sandy, and how the beaches in the state’s four coastal counties are recovering from a loss of 14.24 million cubic yards of sand, which is the equivalent of 7.12 million light duty pick-up truck payloads.
RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by emailingMatthew McGrath, NJSGC communications specialist.