Clean Vessel Act Marina Survey, 2019 Results
NJSGC helped conduct the Clean Vessel Act (CVA) survey from August-September at 38 select marinas that were known to have working pumpout services at some point in recent time. At the conclusion of this inspection, the majority of these facilities were found to have operational boat sewage pumpout units (with some exceptions).
Seven (7) marinas were found closed, but their stationary pumpout units had hoses set-up and available for use. Three (3) marinas were identified with pumpout units that were either not operational, unknown, or lost. Two (2) facilities were found to have just a portable pumpout unit available for pumpout services. Five (5) facilities were found to be keeping records of their pumpout services. Of three (3) marinas already known to currently not have a working pumpout, one was not interested in replacing the pumpout unit, one is currently being redeveloped, and another did not have staff onsite to discuss further plan-of-action with.
For a complete list of the results (including charts and tables), please click here.