Reservation Request Form

Help keep your community out of harm’s way with an Ocean Hazards and Beach Safety: Sharks vs. Rip Currents program, a lively presentation and interactive “Jeopardy”-style game that educates participants about rip current safety and shark biology, making comparisons to learn safe swimming practices. Participants will walk away with knowledge and insight that will keep them safe no matter which of the two they find at the Jersey Shore. This hour-long presentation is suitable for grades 3-12 or as a public presentation for families and life-long learners. Maximum number of participants is 60, and schools may request up to 2 presentations per day.

Please use this form to request a presentation, and be sure to provide three (3) possible dates. We will confirm receipt of your request with a reply email within a few days, and soon thereafter you will receive a program reservation confirmation along with program guidelines. Please contact Education Specialist Mindy Voss at or 732-872-1300 x 30 for additional information or questions. We look forward to working with you for a JAWSOME program of fun, safety and learning!