NOAA Aquaculture Grant Supports New Jersey Research
NOAA recently announced 32 research grants totaling $9.3 million for projects around the country to further develop the nation’s marine and costal aquaculture industry. NJSGC will receive $149,219 of this funding for an Establishing Shellfish Hatchery Biosecurity Certification Standards to Facilitate Interstate Transport of Shellfish Seed project. According to the National Sea Grant College Program website:
This project seeks to fulfill several objectives, including host a three-day workshop that convenes the existing Hatchery Certification Working Group established with prior Sea Grant funding to visit operational shellfish hatcheries of varying size and design to enable the group to overcome its own internal impediments and reach consensus on an initial shellfish hatchery certification protocol; to finalize a set of guidelines that are adaptable to varying situations geographically or temporarily and responsive to varying levels of acceptable risk; to initiate certification of one or more hatcheries; and to refine and disseminate progress and results.
NOAA initially received 126 proposals requesting nearly $58 million in federal funds, of which 32 projects were chosen. For a complete list, including short descriptions of each awarded grant project, please click here.