NJSGC Boy Scouts Program 2018: Enroll Now For Individual Oceanography Merit Badge Early Registration!
In a fun “hands on” ocean experience at Sandy Hook, Boy Scouts can complete the Oceanography Merit badge in one day with the help of NJSGC Instructors who are Certified Merit Badge Counselors. Scouts will explore the salt marsh and discover why the ocean is important to people. Activities include measuring water quality, studying waves and currents, viewing worldwide sand samples under the microscope, plankton collection and identification, laboratory experiments, and seining in Sandy Hook Bay. Mandatory worksheets must be completed in advance of the program.
The program runs approximately 4 hours and scouts will need transportation to the nearby marsh site. Cost is $45/individual scout; accompanying adult is free. Program is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th from 10:00 – 2:00 pm. Open to all Boy Scouts. To register, please go to our website or contact NJSGC’s Scouts Program Coordinator Jody Sackett at 732-872-1300, ext. 20.