NJSGC’s 2018 Annual Report – a Message from the Executive Director
For the past 11 years, it has been my pleasure as Executive Director to present you with New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium’s annual report wherein I try to express how proud I am to be just a small part of all that was achieved through the hard work and dedication of the Consortium’s staff, board members, partners, stakeholders, and friends. Quite honestly, despite a decade of attempts, I do not think I have ever done justice to the contribution the Consortium and its people make towards the betterment of New Jersey’s environment by connecting, questioning, collaborating, and doing their best to preserve and sustain our state’s marine and coastal resources. The body of work is truly amazing. Probably best to let the results speak for themselves. This year’s message is especially poignant for me. After 25 years at the Consortium, I’ve decided to move on. Rest assured, I know how privileged I am to have spent these years at a place where the dynamic nature of marine and coastal research, education, and outreach intersect each day to realize a mission, upheld by an amazing group of people, that is as important now as it was then. Thank you for your support and your interest in the work of the NJSGC. I hope you enjoy this annual report.
– Claire Antonucci, Executive Director and Director of Education
Please view NJSGC’s full Annual Report for 2018.
Additional materials also included are FY18 Financials and Form 990 (without Schedule B).