From the 2014 Annual Report: Chairman Dennis Kearney’s Message
Sandy Hook houses two beacons. The Lighthouse, erected in 1764, is the nation’s oldest protector of shipping lanes. New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, founded 200 years later, is the State’s staunchest defender of maritime well-being. These twin guardians stand but a few hundred yards apart.
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium is unique in the United States, comprised of 24 colleges, universities and other entities committed to preserving, protecting and honoring New Jersey’s coastal environment. As you will see in these pages, we excel at maximizing our grant and operating funds to promote research, outreach and education.
Our scientists study what lies beneath the waves and what lies at the water’s edge. We are out in the field in coastal communities, educating residents on coping with climate change. The origins of Superstorm Sandy are less important than the lessons we learn from it. Our educators have eyes on the future, instilling a sense of awe into thousands of children who pass through our doors each year. Your scientists of tomorrow are our pupils today.
In no small ironic way, the Consortium serves as a beacon to the National Park Service. As many of you know, historic Fort Hancock is collapsing into the sand from age and neglect. In attracting development partners to resurrect historic buildings, the National Park Service points to our Headquarters as an example of what commitment and partnership can accomplish. But then, we have always been about commitment and partnership.
Yet our light needs to shine brighter. Because of our status as a not-forprofit entity, we use every available dollar for research, outreach and education. Nothing is left over for promoting our brand. As one of my friends remarked: “Why is the Sea Grant Consortium such a secret? People need to hear about your amazing work.”
Yes, they do. You have paused over these pages reflecting our ‘amazing work’ because you believe in our mission. If you can support us financially, we promise we will return ten-fold on your contribution. If you can forward our website to five of your friends, even better. Notoriety is a beautiful thing. If you have thoughts to share, we’d love to hear from you. We have great ideas, but not a monopoly on them.
Know that our beacon will always shine brightly for you. On behalf of our member institutions, staff and board, I am proud to offer this annual report.