In The News
Take a look at some of the news coverage of New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium.
- February 15, 2017: New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium staff dock in the Kids Cove at the New Jersey Boat Sale and Expo to teach visitors about local marine life in this Asbury Park Press preview.
- February 8, 2017: New Jersey Sea Grant-funded research finds global sea level rose faster in the 20th century than at any other time in the last 2,700 years. Oceanus Magazine takes a closer look.
- January 31, 2017: The Two River Times hears from Dr. Michael Schwebel on the High Water Mark Initiative and the Monmouth County Community Rating System Assistance Program.
- January 25, 2017: What are these High Water Mark Signs around Monmouth County and what do they mean? Dr. Michael Schwebel explains to the Link News.
- January 24, 2017: Something as simple as sticks and string is helping New Jersey beaches. NJ Spotlight and Newsworks cover Jay Kelly’s NJSGC-supported project on changing the culture of beach management.
- September 14, 2016: Lisa Calvo and Dr. Daphne Monroe discuss a new study to New study to focusing on the culture of Atlantic surf clams with Hatchery International
- September 16, 2016: Dr. Amy Williams speaks on a panel at the Oceanic Free Library on the Navesink River as told by Red Bank Green.
- August 7, 2016: The Two River Times hears from Mike Danko on sewage pumpout boats that help keep local waterways clean.
- August 2, 2016: Dr. Jon Miller and Dr. Amy Williams speak about sea level rise and climate change in this CUNY TV’s series Science & U! episode on water.