Member Institutions

New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium Member Institutions are colleges, universities and other groups with expertise in marine, coastal and/or estuarine science and an interest in New Jersey’s marine, coastal and/or estuarine affairs. Collectively the group works to advance knowledge and wise-utilization of New Jersey’s marine and coastal resources and impact marine and coastal policy throughout the region.  The Consortium also coordinates cooperative research, education and extension projects among its members.

How to Become a Member Institution

Membership is open to all New Jersey’s public and private degree-granting institutions of higher learning with programs in marine, coastal, or estuarine science research, education, policy, and/or outreach. Corporate, industrial, governmental (state and federal) and other organizations (such as out-of-state or non-degree granting academic institutions) with missions involving the advancement of knowledge and understanding of marine, coastal and/or and estuarine science and/or policy are also eligible.  Each Member Institution is entitled to member benefits and the appointment of a representative for communication between the institution and the NJSGC.

Please contact NJSGC’s Director of Human Resources and Administration Deborah A. Quinn for further information or to become a member.

Annual Dues

New Jersey’s state and private colleges, universities, two-year county colleges and other educational institutions: $1500

New Jersey’s research universities: $2500

Out-of-state institutions and corporate members: $3500

Member Benefits

Member Institutions are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Shared curricula of college-level marine science courses.  Each summer, courses are offered for students enrolled at participating member institutions. For more information about these courses email Rosemary Higgins or call 732-872-1300×19.
  2. Use of conference room facilities at NJSGC’s Sandy Hook headquarters. For more information or to reserve the conference room email Debbie Meehan or call 732-872-1300, ext. 25.
  3. A $350 credit towards any NJSGC field trip program. To reserve a program as part of a college-level course or any other  program affiliated with a member institution including K-12 initiatives email Rosemary Higgins or call 732-872-1300, ext 19.
Member Institutions

College of New Jersey, The
Drexel University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Kean University
Monmouth University
Montclair State University
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Raritan Valley Community College
Rowan University
Rutgers, The State University of NJ
Seton Hall University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stockton University
Union County College
William Paterson University

Associate Members

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel
Coonamessett Farm Foundation
George Mason University
Wetlands Institute
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Wildlife Conservation Society 

Member Representatives

Dr. Gary H. Dickinson
Roland Wall
Dr. Marion McClary Jr.
Dr. Lucas Kirby
Mr. Tony MacDonald
Dr. Paul Bologna
Dr. Allison Fitzgerald
Professor Brooke Flammang
Dr. Angela Cristini
Dr. Jay Kelly
Jennifer Walker
Dr. Oscar Schofield
Dr. Heping Zhou
Dr. Muhammad Hajj
Dr. Peter F. Straub
Dr. Marie Montes-Matias
Dr. Michael Peek


Dr. Richard J. Horwitz
Dr. Samir Patel
Dr. Ling Ren
Mr. Earl Moore
Dr. Lisa Ferguson
Dr. Mark Baumgartner
Dr. Howard Rosenbaum


908-526-1200 x8531
732-932-6555 x563
908-709- 7557

