2016 — 2018 Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Regional Research RFP: Coastal Resilience


The Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant programs from New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, are pleased to announce the release of the 2016-2018 Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Regional Research Request for Proposals.

This funding opportunity seeks regional research proposals that address coastal resilience to sea level rise and/or coastal flooding in the region, including, but not limited to, ecological, physical, economic, and/or social dimensions. Research to improve and expand current flood monitoring technology, to develop new technologies and designs, to inform coastal adaptation, to understand social impacts, and/or to translate scientific knowledge to the communities and organizations that can drive change for the benefit of citizens, businesses, and government agencies is sorely needed. Research initiatives are encouraged that focus on socially and economically vulnerable communities. Proposals that seek to synthesize existing research are also welcome.

Successful proposals should address issues of regional scale that are also relevant to the investigators’ home states. Successful proposals will have a cross disciplinary team of partners, demonstrate a high degree of integration, and provide clear mechanisms for regional interaction and coordination. Proposals require participation by primary investigators or co-primary investigators from each of the participating Mid-Atlantic States: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland or the District of Columbia, and Virginia.

Research teams are requested to contact their respective Sea Grant programs to discuss ideas and regional relevance prior to submitting a pre-proposal.

Full details are posted at http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/mid-atlantic-regional-research-request-proposals-2016-2018.