Dates Announced for Boy Scout Individual Enrollment Classes
You can now register for two Boy Scout Individual Enrollment classes: Oceanography and Environmental Science. We offer these classes once in the fall and once in the spring. It is for individual scouts (not whole troops) who wish to study Oceanography or Environmental Science.
The next Boy Scout Oceanography Individual Enrollment Class is scheduled at NJ Sea Grant Consortium on Saturday, October 25th from 1:00 – 5:00 pm here at Sandy Hook. We will be exploring Oceanography by seine fishing, studying marine plants and animals, observing plankton and exotic sand under microscopes in our Laboratory Classroom, and more.
The next Boy Scout Environmental Science Individual Enrollment Class is scheduled at NJ Sea Grant Consortium on Saturday, September 27th from 10:00 – 3:00 pm here at Sandy Hook. We will be exploring Environmental Science by focusing on the maritime ecosystem. Through seine fishing, marsh vegetation mapping, measuring water chemistry, and Laboratory Classroom experiments such as thermal pollution, oil spills, and acid rain, we will learn about our environment.
Each program is a Boy Scout Merit Badge class, so it will also require that scouts complete a Worksheet prior to the program. The class fee is $25.00 and includes all equipment. You can register by clicking here, going to the “Scout Programs – To Reserve a Program” section, and clicking on the link there to complete the registration form. Mail the printed form and $25.00 program fee (check made payable to NJSGC) to Jody Sackett, Scout Program Coordinator, 22 Magruder Road, Fort Hancock, NJ 07732. You can also email to register; please indicate which program you want to register for, and provide your name, scout name & age, mailing address, troop # and address, and cell phone # in the email, and you will be contacted. For questions, call Jody Sackett at 732-872-1300, ext 20.
We also have 14 Girl Scout badge Programs, 9 Cub Scout badge programs, and 5 Scout Field Trips are also available for your scouts! Programs are scheduled at the convenience of the troop. More information about these programs are available here.